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Kneeling Bow



Kodokan Video



Zarei is performed at the beginning and end of class as a show of respect between students and sensei, as well as a show of respect to Jigaro Kano. During practice, zarei may be performed before students engage in any practice that starts on the ground.

To perform zarei:

  1. From standing, start kneeling with your left leg, then right leg. Keep your toes active as you're kneeling down.

  2. Sit back on your heels and bring the tops of your feet to the floor. Rest your hands high on your lap, with the fingers pointed inward.

  3. To bow, slide your hands off of your thighs and onto the floor in front of you. Bow down at about 30 degrees. You should still be able to see the person in front of you.

  4. When you're bowing, keep your elbows bent and leave some space between your hands.

  5. Return to the seated position and stand back up using the exact same motions, but backwards.

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