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What to expect at your first Judo class

Whether you're coming from BJJ, wrestling, or just starting your fitness journey, judo can be a great way to train your mobility, balance, and overall strength. At Rocian Gracie Jr. NYC, your first judo class is free and you'll train alongside students of all skill levels and abilities. Students in our classes come to learn self-defense skills, increase their fitness level, and some are even interested in becoming competitive judoka.

Judo Warmups

Judo warmups get your heart pumping, loosen your muscles, and challenge you to improve your balance, functional strength, and mobility. These warmups include a range of judo and gymnastic skills that may be new to you at first, but can be altered to create a progression that works for your fitness level.

A typical warmup session might looks like this:

  • Forward/Backward roll

  • Straddle forward/backward roll

  • Handstand forward/backward roll

  • Cartwheel

  • Hip escape/Reverse hip escape

  • Chest crawls (shibori)

  • Frog jumps

  • Back/Side/Forward rolling breakfalls

Groundwork Drills (Ne waza uchikomi)

Ne waza (groundwork) drills teach you grappling skills that you'll need to use when you or your opponent is on the ground. In judo, you can win a match by pinning or submitting your opponent. Ne waza drills may include chokes, submissions, holds, or any combination of techniques. Once you've received instruction from your sensei, you'll perform the drills on another student.

Ne waza drills you may learn include:

  • Triangle holds

  • Side control holds

  • Collar chokes

  • Armbars

Standing Technique Drills (Uchikomi)

Standing techniques are what most people think of when they think of judo. These are your takedowns, trips, and sweeps from standing. However, as a new judoka, you'll need to spend some time getting used to falling safely before you can perform any of the flashier throws. On your first day of judo, you'll likely learn a couple of foot sweeps (ashi waza) that will benefit you in any situation where you need to take someone down.

Standing technique drills you may learn include:

  • De Ashi Harai

  • O Uchi Gari

  • Ko Uchi Gari

  • O Soto Gari

Throwing Practice (Nagekomi)

This is the part where you get to practice throwing your classmates onto a crash mat. During nagekomi, you'll learn to execute throws from start to finish, but you'll also learn to land properly when others throw you. As a beginner, you'll likely start with a foot sweep and learn to break your fall on your back.

Sparring (Randori)

Classes may or may not have a sparring session and the constraints around the sparring session will change depending on the skill level of the class. You may be joining a sparring session where students start from the ground or standing up, with or without any throws.

As a beginner, you will not be expected to throw or be thrown. You'll likely be asked to practice moving, grip fighting, or participate in another exercise that will get you ready for randori down the road.

Cooldown Stretches

The class ends with a quick guided stretch to help promote blood flow and help your body cool down. Stay for the class photo at the end of the day!

After you finish your first class, you'll have the choice to continue on a class by class basis or to sign up for a class membership. Let your sensei know how you felt about the class and what your personal goals as you're considering your next steps. Well done on your first day and welcome to the judo family!



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