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Understanding the Basic Rules of Judo

Judo is a popular martial art that originated in Japan and has gained widespread popularity around the world. Known for its grappling techniques and throws, judo is an excellent form of exercise, self-defense, and competition. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, it's important to understand the basic rules of judo to get the most out of your training. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about the basic rules of judo.

What are the objectives of judo?

The primary objective of judo is to throw or take down your opponent and immobilize them with a pin or submission hold. The ultimate goal is to score an ippon, which is a full point and ends the match. Points can also be scored for partially immobilizing your opponent or for holding them in a specific position for a certain amount of time.

How is a judo match structured?

A judo match typically lasts five minutes for men and four minutes for women. If no one scores an ippon, the winner is determined by the highest score at the end of the match. If the match is tied, the winner is determined by the number of penalties given to each player.

What are the basic rules of judo competition?

The basic rules of judo competition include:

  • A judo practitioner must wear a judogi (judo uniform) and obi (belt)

  • A match begins with both practitioners standing and ends with one practitioner throwing or pinning their opponent

  • Throws and pins must be executed with control and balance

  • Practitioners must not strike or kick their opponent

  • Practitioners must not grasp their opponent's clothing

  • Practitioners must not use dangerous techniques

  • Practitioners must respect their opponent and the rules of judo

How is a score determined in judo?

Scores in judo are determined by the referees and their assistants, who are known as shimpan. Points are awarded for successful throws, pins, and holds. An ippon, which is a full point, is awarded for a throw that results in a complete immobilization of the opponent or a hold that lasts for a specified amount of time. A waza-ari, which is a half point, is awarded for a throw or hold that is almost but not quite enough for an ippon.

What are the different techniques used in judo?

Judo techniques can be broadly categorized into three types:

  • Throws: Techniques used to take down your opponent and immobilize them

  • Pins: Techniques used to hold your opponent in a specific position

  • Submissions: Techniques used to force your opponent to surrender by applying joint locks or choking them

Some of the most commonly used judo throws include:

  • Ippon seoinage

  • Uchi mata

  • O goshi

  • Tai otoshi



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