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Major inner reaping throw




Kodokan Video


A foot technique throw. Break your opponent’s balance to his left back corner, causing his stance to open wide and his weight to shift mostly onto his left heel, then step in deeply with your right leg and use it to reap his left leg from the inside with a large motion to your right to throw him backwards.


  • Take a staggered step toward your partner's same-side foot (for right-handed people, you'd take step forward with your right foot and then bring your left foot to your right heel).

  • Point your toes and sweep your partner's same side foot by making a circle on the floor with your toes.

  • Push your partner backwards by driving forward with your same-side hip.

  • On the side that you're sweeping them in, use your hand to push backwards and pull down.

  • Use your other hand to bring their other sleeve downwards. This hand will help you keep your balance as you drive forward and down.

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