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Ippon Seoi-Nage


One arm shoulder throw




Kodokan Video

Ippon Seoi-Nage

A hand technique throw. Float your opponent’s balance to his front, then while pivoting to the left, grip his right inner sleeve and slip your right arm up from under his chest under his right armpit to grab the top of his right sleeve or shoulder, pull him onto your back, and throw him over your right shoulder.


Position: Stand facing your opponent, right hand on their left lapel and your left hand on their right elbow.

Kuzushi (Balance Breaking): Step in with your right foot, pivoting so that your right foot is between your opponent's feet. Simultaneously pull your opponent forward and off balance by pulling down on their right elbow with your left hand.

Tsukuri (Entry): Turn your back to your opponent, bending at the knees, not the waist. Your right arm goes under their right armpit, and you should stand straight, lifting your opponent onto your back.

Kake (Execution): Bend forward from the hips and throw your opponent over your shoulder. The throw is made by straightening your legs, not by bending over.

Follow Through: After your opponent has been thrown, maintain your balance and prepare for a follow-up technique.

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